Day 13 Run Challenge
Nice run today before soccer. 3.88 km in 30 minutes at an average pace of 7:45 mins per km, average heart rate of 150 bpm (broke the 152 bpm streak). Soccer was tough today, though.
Day 13 Run Challenge Read More »
Nice run today before soccer. 3.88 km in 30 minutes at an average pace of 7:45 mins per km, average heart rate of 150 bpm (broke the 152 bpm streak). Soccer was tough today, though.
Day 13 Run Challenge Read More »
Today was stranger than normal. After the first kilometre, I could only run for about 50 metres (sometimes 20!) before my heart rate monitor went off and I had to drop back to a walk. I ended up walking hard most of the way, interspersed with running when my heart rate got back to 151
Run Challenge Day 12 Read More »
Missed hitting 4 km today by twenty freakin metres! 🙁 I ended up doing 3.98 km in 30 minutes at an average pace of 7:33 mins/km average heart rate of 152 bpm. Yes I know it’s 152 bpm and I’m meant to be under 152 bpm. The problems only came after I hit 3 km.
Well I wasn’t sure yesterday, but today’s run indicates I actually am getting fitter. Sweet! I ran the same course I did for the first few days, where I was averaging 3.4 km in the 30 minutes. But today I ran 3.65 km at an average pace of 8:14 minutes per km, average heart rate
Day 10 Run Challenge Read More »
I had a really great run today. Comparatively, of course. Was tempted to keep going over the 30 minutes, but decided I’ll stick to no more than 30 minutes for the first 30 days and reassess then. Starting off I ran a 7:04 minute km (which I’ve never come close to at this heart rate),