Crazy wind continued today. Heart rate monitor doesn’t seem to like it when it’s windy and cold. I knew it was playing up when I dropped to a walk on 155 bpm and it jumped up to 170 bpm. Ended up turning the heart rate alarm off and just running a comfortable pace.
Did 4.7 km in 30 minutes at an average pace of 6:23 mins/km, average heart rate recorded at 154 bpm, but I know it was less than that. Probably within my goal heart rate, looking back on the recording of my heart rate and the fact that I was running at a comfortable 4:4 breathing pattern, which always seems to go with my aerobic heart rate.
I’m claiming it as (unofficially) successfully completing one of my goals of this challenge of running 6:30 mins/km. With the extra training I’ve been doing lately, it’s not unsurprising.
Got a new pair of Dunlop Volleys today, which I ran in. New shoes are cool and the presence of tread I’m sure added to my speed. I’ve worn a hole in my other pair on the outside of the ball of my right foot where I land.
Followed it up with running 7.31 km at soccer, with a top speed recorded at 3:30 mins/km. It’s amazing how fit I felt!