Welcome to the Rollercoaster

It’s 2pm on Day 4. I’m feeling a whole lot better that I was this morning.

After I wrote my last post I had 2 fairly strong coffees & did a tacfit workout (basically bodyweight circuit training). After then having a shower I started feeling a lot less tired. Coincidence? lol

My eyes are stinging, but otherwise I feel almost back to my normal energetic self. It’s a great feeling after the darkness this morning!

I’ve been noticing a pattern – from 2pm through to around 3am I feel great, can concentrate and am motivated to do a lot of work. The wall hits about 3 to 3:30 am. I wake up from the 4am sleep feeling dreadful. That continues and worsens until after the 8am sleep. Then between around 8:30am and 12pm I start feeling better. The 12pm sleep seems to knock me back a bit, but by 1pm I’m starting to feel human again and so the cycle continues.

What a rollercoaster ride!

I’m also learning a lot about discipline, which hopefully will also have long term effects.

8 thoughts on “Welcome to the Rollercoaster”

  1. Hey Mike, sounds like we might need to postpone our coffee for a week; not much point if you’re not with it! Wann reschedule for same time next week?

    1. No need to reschedule, Jeremy. I’m as with it as ever. Like I volunteered as a witness in the UWA Trial Advocacy competition last night. Handled the cross-examination as usual 🙂

      Learning to manage the drowsiness. The temptation to sleep only really kicks in when I’m by myself. That’s the main reason I’m blogging here – to keep me accountable.

  2. Interesting! I wonder how this cycle will last long-term, and if that will be your body’s way of telling you – if you decide to go back to one (smaller) sleep time – that 3 / 3:30am is the time to go to bed… Or if it’s just difficult because you’re always asleep at that time period and your body is still stuck in that pattern. Looking forward to seeing how this pans out long term!

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