Perfect Record So Far

I said that after Easter I’d go for a perfect sleep record this week. I’m counting it from the 8pm sleep on Sunday.

So far, it’s been 36 hours without a hitch. From experience, now is when the tough part hits hardest. If I can survive the next 36 hours with a perfect record, I’ll be through to easy street (figuratively speaking).

One thing I’ve noticed these last two days is how refreshing a 20 minute nap can really be. Often times, I feel tired before, then go to sleep and wake up feeling much better. Yes I know that’s how it’s meant to be on this challenge, but 20 minutes still feels like it shouldn’t be enough time to recover.

My productivity is still at a very high level, which is cool. Starting to feel the tiredness creeping in, but I’m off to play a game of soccer in half an hour, so hoping it’ll blow the cobwebs away for a bit.

One of the best parts about this sleep challenge was that it allowed me to go to the Anzac Day Dawn Service yesterday morning (as I mentioned previously). The service started at 4:45 am and went til 7 am.

I estimate (based on similar crowds for the Australia Day fireworks) there were about 100,000 people at the Dawn Service. As it’s a military memorial, the whole service is conducted in complete silence apart from the bugle calls and the occasional speech or explanation.

It was incredible… from 6am to 7am everyone was standing and it was so quiet I closed my eyes and felt like I was alone on the mountain. For those of you who don’t know, Kings Park in Perth (where the service was held) is on a mountain overlooking the city and the Swan River. The war memorial is built almost on a cliff and faces the East, so the view of dawn breaking over the city & river is breathtaking.

It’s an experience I’ll always cherish, particularly because I was akake and alert enough to fully enjoy it. If you’re in Perth next year for Anzac Day, I highly recommend you go to the dawn service.

Lest We Forget.

1 thought on “Perfect Record So Far”

  1. That sounds incredible!

    Well done so far! I can hear your alarm and you getting up from your 8pm sleep right now, and I know it must be so tough – but keep going!! It’s totally worth all the effort to have so much extra time and energy and ability to now do so many things that you couldn’t do before. I love telling people about how well you’re doing and what it’s doing to you as a person. You’re inspiring! xx

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