Today, being day 42, marks the end of week 6.
The heart rate monitor was all messed up, so when my heart rate supposedly hit 240 (which would cause anyone cardiac arrest), I took it off and ran at what I know is roughly 150 bpm. After 6 weeks I’m pretty confident I know what it feels like. All my splits were as expected if I were running at that effort too.
So I ended up doing 4.2 km at 7:09 mins/km.
Afterwards, I ran 1 km in 4:58, which is very fast for me. My target for the next marathon (likely June 2013) is 4 hours, which means a 5:40 average pace. Time to start slowly increasing my overall mileage and mix in some faster work. All after the 30 minute heart rate runs, of course.
Here’s the chart of my runs so far: