Doing intervals at a fast pace in 35C heat sounds like a great idea… said no one ever.
Was supposed to be 5x 1km @ 5:20 with 800m jog break. Did 2x 1km @ 5:08 & 5:28, with 1x 600m @ 5:19. I’m really struggling to hit pace. Usually go way too fast and have to real it in, but the damage is done & I blow up.
With a couple of kms of warm up & cool down, I ended up running 9km today.
Just saw that last month was officially my 3rd highest mileage month. I will have been running for 2 years in 4 days time (10 Jan 2012 was my official start date).
I can already see I’m responding to the speed work, which is pretty cool. I’m not too far off my current PR pace of 26:42. I’ve never done a 5K race, so it should be a lot of fun running something that’s over so soon 🙂
I did a mere 22.3km last week, due to injury. But I’m so glad I took most of the week off or I wouldn’t be able to run the workouts I’m currently doing.